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Tag: proteins

Articles tagged as Proteins

Meat - A Very Old Food Source!

Posted on November 12, 2023 by Efrain Fernandez
Meat has been eaten by mankind for years and years, but today increasing numbers of people have become vegetarians.Meat continues to be an essential food source since it mostly contain proteins - nearly 80% of any kind of meat is pure protein.Any function in your body needs protein - people simple cannot live without it!Almost 28% of the protein people ingest today originates from meat products.Meat can be among the best resources of vitamin A, D and many B-vitamins and also the minerals zinc, selenium and iron...

How To Make Perfect Tea

Posted on March 4, 2022 by Efrain Fernandez
The best way to generate tea is a topic of great debate for centuries.1.Always use fresh water if possible.Spring water is best because of its purity and absence of additives like chlorine and fluoride which may influence the taste.If you use tap water then run the faucet until the water is cold and clean.Good quality water is crucial for the perfect cup of tea.2.Preferably use a teapot made from china or earthenware...